Apartment Design Ideas with Moroccan Style

Moroccan apartment design ideas will really sweet to dwell if you know how to decorate it. The Moroccan style can be easily obtained by the sense of the wall and the floor of the apartment. Just make the apartment in a color. For example like in white for the wall, and wooden color for the floor and blue marine or the other sweet bold colors that might trim your apartment well. This kind of Moroccan style need the rustic stuffs for the dining table, kitchen cabinets, bed frame and the typical Moroccan embroidery cushion cover, table cloth, and the other fabric stuffs that might need the embroidery.

For the curtain it is special that no need the embroidery. Just put the plain white curtain in it or just the lacey Moroccan style in it. The wooden floor that might you set there, you can choose the one in a pale wooden color floor. Then you can set the wooden stuffs in a rustic wooden sense for the old Moroccan style. You can also try to obtain the indoor plants there by lay them in the tables or hang it in the ceiling of the kitchen or the living room that will make your apartment more live and fresh by put the indoor plants there perfectly.
Put the Moroccan Stuffs

The Moroccan style that usually appears in some stuff like chandelier, mirror frame, coffee table, window pane or even the wall decorations you can set in your apartment to obtain the Moroccan style of a dwelling. The stuffs that usually come in Moroccan style is the one that use the gem stone that not really expensive to be apply in the stuffs there, or maybe you can obtain the imitation one. The colorful flowery embroidery usually really suitable for the fabric stuffs which are exist in your apartment.
The Lighting

For the lighting it is better to set the most rooms in a white bright light chandelier or hidden lamps. Then you can set the double lamps in the bedroom the first is the white bright light and the second is the dimmer for your bed time. You can also obtain the wide windows that trim in Moroccan style as well that will give you the bright of the sun shine come across your bedroom perfectly.