Moroccan Decor Ideas with Stripes and Realist Paintings

If you want to obtain the best Mediterranean look of your house then the Moroccan décor Ideas is the best choice to be applied in. You can easily try to find the stuffs that might be have details, embroidery, or even the engravings that will make your room looks like Arabian room. Some of us think that the Moroccan room is trimmed crowdedly, but actually we can make it simple and in a minimalist look. We can trim it with the Moroccan sense that can trim your room perfectly without the crowd.

The crowd of the Moroccan room usually appears because of the typical details, the unmatched color block, and too much engraving s in the room. You need something that really simple but still in a Moroccan style. Some of you might forget about the stripes, yes, the stripes with the golden threads in it or just the usual stripes. You can trim you room in Moroccan style by using the stripes stuffs. You can apply it to your cushions, bed if it is a bedroom, armchairs and the couch. You can trim the fabric stuffs in your room in a Moroccan Stripes.
Girly Moroccan Stripes

The stripes actually come variously and one of them is the girly Moroccan stripes. The girly Moroccan stripes are the stripes that consist of the sweets colors. The sweet colors that usually used by the girly Moroccan stripes are amber, purple, magenta, blue, orange and red. Then there are golden threads lining each color perfectly. Then usually the stripes come in a different size. You can enjoy the random colorful cushions, curtains, or even your armchairs that trimmed by the girly Moroccan stripes beautifully.
Moroccan Style and Realist Painting

Realist painting is also can make your Moroccan sense in your house more sorely felt. Maybe if you try to obtain the modern one you can get the picture or photo in the frame. But if you try to make your room in a medieval Arabian sense, you can hang the realist paintings there. Realist painting is the painting that pictures the real shape of things in right shading and the right proportion. For example, you can search for the one of Da Vinci’s master piece which is entitled as Monalisa.