Cool Kid Room Ideas Employing Subtle Storage Spaces for Organized Look

Not only comfortable and looking totally playful, it is also necessary for your kid room to appear organized. We all know how tidying the playroom may take more times and efforts due the mess your kids create while having fun and playing previously. Thus, we will take you to see some cool designs for kid’s bedroom or playroom with storage spaces.

Make the storage spaces look interesting by matching its design with the room interior’s theme. Let’s take a look at this interesting Lego themed bedroom first. Perfectly designed as one of the coolest kid room designs, this Lego bedroom is wonderfully done by maximizing the available space to create a more spacious play area. Tucked away perfectly below the mezzanine bedroom, the shelving units are incredibly designed with Lego-like covers, making this bedroom looks like it’s made of a set of Lego!

Do not hesitate to make use of any possible unused space to keep your kid’s bedroom looks charming while keeping it tidy at the same time. Take a look at this super sweet girly bedroom with lovely woven baskets in stunning pink, hidden perfectly below the bedside bench. Not only helping you to make your kid’s personal room looks nice, you can also see how the lovely baskets blend beautifully with the interior.

Other way, you can simply maximize the available wall space. Look at this airy and ultra spacious playroom with bright colored open shelving units. Creatively designed, you can see how the shelving units have helped making this playroom looks more playful and entertaining as well.

Why don’t you go for the unique storage space design? Look at this adorable customized dresser for your kids. You can even do it by yourself by repainting the old one with chalkboard paint. Thus, you may add lovely drawings using the colorful chalks that will make the dresser or even any cabinetry looks more interesting and unique as part of this kid playroom designs, while keeping the interior looks more playful too.