Painting Basement Floor for Creating Light Atmosphere Around

My friend wanted to renovate his own basement, so he chose painting basement floor. He had many reasons why he chose the painting floor. Like the garage floor, the basement floor also has two general options. They are painting or installing the floor. The painting floor is considered as low cost because you just need to paint the cemented floor as the basic floor. If you feel bored to the floor, you can change the paint. Meanwhile, using the floor tiles will be costly because you cannot change them as quick as you use the painting floor. Hence, my friend chose the kind of floor.
More Reasons of Choosing and Renovating

My friend wanted to renovate the basement because his basement looked very dirty and gloomy. He wanted to create light atmosphere around the basement. He wanted also to make the basement more convenient. Whenever he came inside to the basement, he felt burdened due to the dust and bad air circulation. He thought that at least he could overcome the dust thing by painting the floor. Therefore, he wanted to find the right color for the basement.
Choosing the Color

My friend looked for the color as his best choice. Since he wanted to get light atmosphere there, he chose the light color as well. He chose the light grey paint. It is the neutral color as he said it to me. Before he started to paint the floor, he swept the floor first. Then, he could paint the floor until the corner. To strengthen the light atmosphere, he also installed the neon bar lamps there. Moreover, he placed the white standing lamps in every corner of the basement.

Moreover, my friend wanted to add his creativity in the basement. He likes drawing. Hence, he made the ornament pattern on the floor. He drew the ornament in white color. I have seen the white ornament there. He did his best struggle to make light atmosphere in the basement. Moreover, he did the renovation by himself in a week. It has spent his time much, but he did it for his pleasure anyway.